Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Top Ten Twitter Handles to Follow While Studying for the ACT

Studying online for the ACT is a great way to improve your score – between the Official ACT website, Facebook, Twitter, and all of the private test prep companies, there’s an amazing amount of free ACT practice questions, study guides, and blogs. Studying online can help you build a community with other college-bound juniors and seniors. You can even use hashtags on twitter to create your own ACT study-chat! If you’re a big Twitter user, here’s some handles you’ll want to follow in the weeks before your exam! @Go2College Tweets about colleges to help you choose the right school and make an informed career move. Less ACT-related and more college application focused, you can also order college brochures here. @College_Success College Success Foundation provides scholarships and support for low-income students. Frequent updates on college news and scholarship information. @BellCurves They tweet about test preparation, learning, schooling, and education. The focus here is on the GMAT, GRE, and SAT in addition to the ACT, but you can learn about many great education resources from their tweets! @GrockitCollege ACT tips, news, and special promotions from Grockit, one of the biggest online ACT study centers. Follow them to keep up with the weekly free ACT test questions on Grockit’s College Prep blog. @ACTStudent The official testmaker’s website! An absolute must-follow for those looking to get the latest information on the ACT! Especially nice to be reminded of upcoming dates and deadlines! @KaplanSATACT This is Kaplan’s Twitter handle for their undergrad focus. College application tips, plus news on upcoming Kaplan courses. @FAFSAOnline Offering advice and tips on completing the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). You’ll need this if you are applying for college scholarships. @CollegeBoundNet Tweets from Gina Barbara from CollegeBound.net. These ladies tweet on college topics like admissions, testing, scholarships, etc. and host a weekly chat on Twitter. @ThePrincetonRev Like Kaplan, they offer comprehensive courses on the ACT. Their tweets cover all kinds of different tests, but this handle is update fairly often with interesting information. @TheWordoftheDay With hundreds of tweets already, follow them to learn a challenging new vocabulary word each day!